KAATSU Fitness is here for you and continually works to make your training experience the best in the industry. Gain access to an ecosystem that ensures your health and quality of life.
Become a member of KAATSU Fitness and gain access to exclusive benefits. When you start, you will receive a full health check and body scan to assess your current health status. You will also have access to personal training with certified KAATSU instructors each month, all with the best equipment in the finest atmosphere.
Each month, you will receive a personal training session with a certified KAATSU instructor. You will be guided, inspired, and motivated to continue training effectively, ensuring you stay on track towards your fitness goals.
Receive guidance, inspiration, and motivation. With a free KAATSU PT session each month, you are guaranteed that your training is always of the highest quality.
Free Access
High-quality equipment and user-friendly technology are always within reach. With your membership, you always have access to the best.
Share your membership with a workout buddy and experience increased motivation. The 2-for-1 offer allows you to share the benefits of KAATSU training at half the price.
Optimize and make your results measurable. Gain insights that enable you to make informed decisions about your training, ensuring you are always on the right track.
Optimér og gør dine resultater målbare. Få indblik der giver dig mulighed for at træffe informerede valg i din træning så du altid er på rette vej.
Bliv vejledt, inspireret og motiveret. Med et gratis KAATSU PT pas om måneden er du sikret at din træning altid er af bedste kvalitet.
Udstyr og brugervenlig teknologi af højeste kvalitet er altid inden for rækkevidde. Du har med dit medlemskab altid adgang til det bedste.
Del medlemskabet med en træningsven og oplev øget motivation. 2-for-1 giver jer muligheden for at dele glæden af KAATSU træning, til halv pris.
With your KAATSU Fitness membership, you gain access to intimate and well-organized boutique centers where personal service and interaction are always a priority. You will find that other members and instructors are welcoming and always on your side. At KAATSU Fitness, we stand together.
Access to All KAATSU gyms
Startpakken afvikles i angivne tidsrum.
Gælder ikke helligdage.
Save 1000,- on starter pack
KAATSU Fitness Full Membership
Access to All KAATSU Centers
Save 1.995,- (FREE Starter Package)
Customized Program with 5 Personal Training Sessions
Includes instruction on how to use the equipment, set the correct pressure, and train most effectively.
Payment can be divided over four months.
Atentteion! Purchase of the starter package requires simultaneous membership registration.
The starter package is mandatory if you want to train with Kaatsu.
For more information about subscription terms, please read the “Subscription Terms.”
2-for-1 is our latest membership offer. Now you can get twice the training but pay for only one!
Learn more about the 2-for-1 membership
With an intro session, you receive a customized Kaatsu workout so you can experience the effects firsthand before becoming a member. Prepare for a training experience like no other.
The intro session costs 297 DKK and is 100% non-binding.
“Skønhed kommer indefra.” KAATSU træning stimulerer produktionen af væksthormon, der hjælper med at regulere metabolisme, fremme kollagen-produktion, muskel og stærkere knogler. At udføre lavintensiv træning med KAATSU giver dig mulighed for at opnå maksimal effekt uden at slide på kroppen. Forbliv stærk og selvsikker med forbedret fitness og wellness og oprethold en sund og høj livskvalitet.