Mark O. Madsen, dansk OL-sølvvinder i brydning og professionel MMA-udøver, anbefaler KAATSU FITNESS. Mark er meget overrasket over bl.a. effektiviteten af Kaatsu
Mark O. Madsen Olympic Silver Medalist and Professional MMA Fighter

“I am pleasantly surprised by how effective this training method is. As an elite athlete, I understand the demands of training to failure and the importance of recovery. KAATSU training delivers quickly and convincingly on both fronts.”

Victor Feddersen, dansk OL-vinder og 4 x verdensmester i roning.
Victor Feddersen Olympic gold medalist and 4-time world champion

"As a former elite rower and now as a business owner, both time and results are crucial in a busy daily life. With Kaatsu, I noticed a difference already after 3 weeks. Now I train with Kaatsu 2-3 times a week and appreciate that the training can be completed in just 45 minutes from when I arrive to when I leave. It's effective!"

Ole Jakobsen - speciallæge i ortopædkirugi og idrætsmedicin. Ole har opnået meget erfaring med skader og genoptræning af disse ved hjælp af Kaatsu
Ole Jakobsen Specialist in orthopedic surgery and sports medicine, and external lecturer at the University of Copenhagen

In those 20 years I have worked with both elite athletes and patients with musculoskeletal disorders, I have never seen any training or rehabilitation modality as effective as KAATSU training/Blood Flow Restriction training for inducing muscle growth.

Simone Dupont er professionel norsk håndboldspiller. Simone prøvede Kaatsu efter en slem knæskade, og opnåede hurtig muskelopbygning og kom tilbage på håndboldbanen igen
Simone Dupont Professional Handball Player, Larvik, Norway

As a professional handball player, dealing with injuries is unfortunately part of the job. In my case, I was sidelined with a severe knee injury for over a year, during which I lost most of the muscle in my leg. When I heard about Kaatsu Denmark and the impressive results other athletes had achieved in a short time, I knew I had to give it a try. Although I initially thought the training might be too good to be true, the results speak for themselves. After just one week of training, I noticed both visual and strength improvements. The training has helped jumpstart my muscle growth again and has significantly accelerated my rehabilitation process. I highly recommend Kaatsu Denmark and Michael Schewitsch. The training works, and Michael is an excellent and highly competent instructor.

Anja Schrøder er fibromyalgipatient. Kaatsu har gjort det muligt for hende at træne igen, pga. den lave belastning der ikke nedbryder hendes muskler
Anja Schrøder Fibromyalgia Patient

I have been chronically ill since 2001 due to reactive arthritis, and later diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Since then, I have been unable to exercise because traditional training causes muscle breakdown, which makes me seriously ill and bedridden. Kaatsu Fitness has made it possible for me to train without falling ill. I have now been training for 5 weeks (3 times a week) and have achieved remarkable results in terms of improved fitness, muscle toning, increased strength, and an overall boost in energy levels. I highly recommend and wish for all inactive individuals with chronic pain to try Kaatsu training at Kaatsu Fitness. It is an amazing feeling to suddenly have muscles again and to experience the body as a strong tool rather than a burden.

Christina Poulsen er marathonløber og har brugt Kaatsu-træning til genoptræning af hendes knæ
Christina Poulsen Marathon Runner

I have been running for many years and have completed 12 marathons. About six months ago, my knee began to swell and hurt. Initially, I tried to take breaks intermittently, but eventually, I had to get a scan, which revealed cartilage loss and a meniscus tear. While surgery might help, I was hesitant due to concerns about potential negative outcomes. My husband pointed out a link to Kaatsu Denmark, featuring a handball player who had achieved positive results with Kaatsu training after a knee injury. I reached out to Michael Schewitsch at Kaatsu Denmark for a trial session and subsequently booked 12 training sessions. I quickly noticed a difference in my body. After 13 Kaatsu sessions, I can now run 10 km with minimal knee discomfort. As a result, I’ve canceled the surgery and will continue with Kaatsu training once a week to maintain the strength I’ve gained.

Josephine Juncker - autoriseret fysioterapeut og uddannet Kaatsu-instruktør. Josephine er med hendes baggrund rustet til at vejlede
Josephine Juncker Authorized Physiotherapist, Certified Kaatsu Instructor since 2019

Through my work as a physiotherapist, I have found that Kaatsu training is particularly effective for patient groups who cannot tolerate high mechanical stress. In cases of injuries, surgeries, and for patients with pain, it can be a valuable part of a rehabilitation program. Kaatsu is also an excellent alternative to traditional strength training in a busy lifestyle or when results plateau. For the ambitious athlete, Kaatsu can help optimize training without increasing the risk of overuse injuries, while also positively impacting recovery ability.

Det bør bestemt også pointeres, at Kaatsu bør prioriteres i den tidlige genoptræning samt postoperativt, ved brusklæsioner og menisklæsioner mv., hvor den eksterne belastning skal modereres ift. vævsheling og træningsfaser. Dette med henblik på, at forbedre betingelserne for fx “return to sport” eller “tilbagevenden til normal aktivitetsniveau/hverdag”, fordi tidlig aktivering og træning ifm. skader kan være VIRKELIG afgørende for et godt outcome. Dette kan være svært at lykkes med i konventionelt regi, da patienterne ikke kan træne “normalt” - og det er jo virkelig her at Kaatsu kan gøre en afgørende forskel. ”

Michael Schewitsch er stifter af KAATSU FITNESS og forfatter af "Lærebog i Kaatsu"
Michael Schewitsch Founder of KAATSU FITNESS and author of "The Kaatsu Textbook"

Kaatsu is a revolutionary, scientifically-backed biohack and paradigm shift in how we approach training—whether for general fitness, elite sports, or injury rehabilitation. Supported by hundreds of peer-reviewed research articles, Kaatsu is used by some of the world's top athletes. This training method delivers all the benefits of conventional exercise while minimizing its drawbacks. It might just be the most effective training method ever developed.

Carl Woodard en tidligere professionel basketball spiller og nu træner. Han har aldrig oplevet en træningsmetode så effektiv som Kaatsu
Carl Woodard Basketball Coach and Former Professional Basketball Player

Kaatsu is amazing, so much result with so little amount of weights and such a time saver! Have done my sport in 7 different countries and I have yet to experience something so effective. Give it a month and you will be hooked.... And if your a personal trainer and you haven't taken the course you could be one step behind. Thanks Michael for the eye opening experience!

Jarl Linder billede
Jarl Linder Senior Client Manager

"Kaatsu is perfect for me with a busy workday and lifestyle. I can train for as little as 15 minutes per session—if I only focus on my upper body—and still feel like I've gone through an incredibly intense workout. There’s no soreness after a few sessions, and you practically feel ready for the next workout within a few hours. In just 5 weeks, I've lost 5 kg while significantly increasing my muscle mass."

Philip Özari spiller volley på landsholdet. Efter intensiv Kaatsu-træning kom han hurtigere tilbage fra to forebyggende hofteoperationer, end lægerne havde forudset som værende muligt. Han kom tilbage og præsterede bedre på styrketests, end før hans operationer og Kaatsu-træning
Philip Özari Gentofte Volley 1st Team, National Team Player, and College Basketball in Canada

After two preventative hip surgeries in the spring and summer of 2015, doctors and physiotherapists estimated that I could expect to return to elite-level volleyball at the earliest in the 2016 season. However, after 16 intensive Kaatsu training sessions at Kaatsu Denmark from September to October 2015, I performed better in strength tests than before my surgery, and I was able to play full matches and the entire tournament schedule again.


“Skønhed kommer indefra.” KAATSU træning stimulerer produktionen af væksthormon, der hjælper med at regulere metabolisme, fremme kollagen-produktion, muskel og stærkere knogler. At udføre lavintensiv træning med KAATSU giver dig mulighed for at opnå maksimal effekt  uden at slide på kroppen. Forbliv stærk og selvsikker med forbedret fitness og wellness og oprethold en sund og høj livskvalitet.